information is energy, too

information is energy, too

information is energy, too

Wisdom comes from the exploration and application of knowledge – the pausing, thinking, and sleeping on it. The questioning of that you read, hear, and consume. Reflecting if a piece of information resonates with you, taking the time to work with it, and then deciding whether you want to build your wisdom house on its foundation.

This is an ongoing and ever-evolving A – Z collection of the mythical, mystical, ancient and modern understandings and interpretations of esoteric philosophies and spiritual culture.

please note, this glossary makes no claim to completeness – learning is a forever process. 

Wisdom comes from the exploration and application of knowledge – the pausing, thinking, and sleeping on it. The questioning of that you read, hear, and consume. Reflecting if a piece of information resonates with you, taking the time to work with it, and then deciding whether you want to build your wisdom house on its foundation.

This is an ongoing and ever-evolving A – Z collection of the mythical, mystical, ancient and modern understandings and interpretations of esoteric philosophies and spiritual culture.

please note, this glossary makes no claim to completeness – learning is a forever process. 

Wisdom comes from the exploration and application of knowledge – the pausing, thinking, and sleeping on it. The questioning of that you read, hear, and consume. Reflecting if a piece of information resonates with you, taking the time to work with it, and then deciding whether you want to build your wisdom house on its foundation.

This is an ongoing and ever-evolving A – Z collection of the mythical, mystical, ancient and modern understandings and interpretations of esoteric philosophies and spiritual culture.

please note, this glossary makes no claim to completeness – learning is a forever process. 


Ajna Chakra

[ˈæd͡ʒnə t͡ʃˈækɹə]

The Ajna chakra, also known as the Third Eye chakra, is located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows. It is the center of inner wisdom, intuition ...

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People from various cultures and religions have always looked to the heavens to make sense of their earthly lives.
The idea that there is a connection between the ...

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People from various cultures and religions have always looked to the heavens to make sense of their earthly lives.
The idea that there is a connection between the ...

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Breathwork is a practice that focuses on consciously directing and controlling the breath for various purposes, including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ...

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Chakra system

[ʃˈakɾɑː zystˈeːm]

The chakra system is a profound and ancient concept that originated from the spiritual and philosophical traditions of India. It is a symbolic framework that describes the ...

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Crown Chakra
[kɹˈa͡ʊn t͡ʃˈækɹə]

The Crown chakra is located at the top of the head. It is the center of spiritual connection, consciousness, higher knowledge, and transcendence. It is considered ...

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Dancing has deep cultural, social and symbolic significance. Many dances serve as a form of cultural expression and preservation - cultures across the globe have unique ...

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Energy Therapy

[ˈɛnɚd͡ʒi θˈɛɹəpi]

Energy therapy, also referred to as energy work and/or energy healing, is a holistic approach to health and well-being that focuses on the idea that energy is a fundamental aspect of our physical, ...

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Energy Therapy

[ˈɛnɚd͡ʒi θˈɛɹəpi]

Energy therapy, also referred to as energy work and/or energy healing, is a holistic approach to health and well-being that focuses on the idea that energy is a fundamental aspect of our physical, ...

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Energy Therapy

[ˈɛnɚd͡ʒi θˈɛɹəpi]

Energy therapy, also referred to as energy work and/or energy healing, is a holistic approach to health and well-being that focuses on the idea that energy is a fundamental aspect of our physical, ...

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Feng Shui
[fˈɛŋ ʃjˈuːi]

Feng Shui, originating from ancient Chinese wisdom, is a practice that delves into the intricate relationship between the environment and the flow of energy (“qi" or “chi”) ...

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(Manifesting) Generator
[(mˈænɪfˌɛstɪŋ) d͡ʒˈɛnɚɹˌe͡ɪɾɚ]

In Human Design, a (Manifesting) Generator is one of the four main aura types (how your aura interacts with the world), along with Manifestors, Projectors and ...

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Heart Chakra
[hˈɑː͡ɹt t͡ʃˈækɹə]

The Heart chakra is located at the center of the chest. It is considered the center of love, empathy, harmony, and connection. It serves as a bridge between the lower ...

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Human Design System
[ˈˈhjuːmən dɪˈzaɪn ˈsɪstəm]

The Human Design System is a holistic approach, used as a tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and decision-making guidance. It is based on a combination of various ...

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Inner Child

[ˈɪnɚ t͡ʃˈa͡ɪld]

Inner child work, healing or visualisation is a practice aimed at reconnecting with and healing the wounded or neglected aspects of your inner child. The inner child ...

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The term 'journey' often refers to a profound and transformative process of self-discovery, personal growth and spiritual evolution. The concept is present in various ...

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Kabbalah (also spelled Qabbalah or Cabala) is a mystical and esoteric tradition within Judaism that explores the hidden aspects of the universe and the nature of God. ...

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Love is a force that permeates the very fabric of the universe. This concept goes beyond romantic love or an emotion limited to human relationships, and extends to ...

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In Human Design, a Manifestor is one of the four main aura types (how your aura interacts with the world), along with (Manifesting) Generators, Projectors and Reflectors ...

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Muscle Testing

[mˈʌsə͡l tˈɛstɪŋ]

Muscle testing is a practice that is often used in alternative and holistic therapies to gain insight into the body's energy systems and to assess the body's response to various ...

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(The) Now
[(ðˈə) nˈa͡ʊ]

Various spiritual traditions, philosophies, and teachers emphasize the importance of being fully present and engaged in the current moment. Individuals are invited ...

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Oneness does not negate the richness of diversity but rather celebrates it. It suggests that every living being, every element of nature, and every facet of the cosmos ...

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In Human Design, a Projector is one of the four main aura types (how your aura interacts with the world), along with (Manifesting) Generators, Manifestors and Reflectors. ...

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Quantum Healing
[kwˈɔntəm hˈiːlɪŋ]

The term Quantum Healing has gained prominence through the author, speaker and alternative medicine advocate Deepak Chopra, who proposed that the mind plays ...

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In Human Design, a Reflector is one of the four main types of individuals, alongside Generators, Manifestors, and Projectors. Reflectors are the rarest type, making up...

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Reiki is a healing practice that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. It is often translated as "universal life force energy." ...

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Root Chakra
[ɹˈuːt t͡ʃˈækɹə]

The Root chakra s located at the base of the spine, near the perineum. This center governs our sense of groundedness, stability, a feeling of being rooted in life and connected ...

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Sacral Chakra
[ɹsˈækɹə͡l t͡ʃˈækɹə]

The Sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel. It is considered the center of our emotional, creative, and sensual selves. This center ...

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Solar Plexus Chakra
[sˈo͡ʊlɚ plˈɛksəs t͡ʃˈækɹə]

The Solar Plexus chakra is located between the belly button and the base of the sternum, just a couple of fingers above the naval. It is considered the center of ...

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Third Eye Chakra

[θˈɜːd ˈa͡ɪ t͡ʃˈækɹə]

The Third Eye is the sixth of seven chakras, and is located between and slightly above the eyebrows. See also Ajna Chakra.

Throat Chakra

[θɹˈo͡ʊt t͡ʃˈækɹə]

The Throat chakra is located at the throat region, near the thyroid gland. It is considered the center of communication, self-expression, and creativity. It governs ...

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Unity Consciousness

[jˈuːnɪɾi kˈɑːnʃəsnəs]

According to the mystical traditions this is all that really exists. See also Oneness.




In spiritual teachings, the term "vessel" embodies the metaphorical notion of the human being as a receptacle capable of containing and expressing spiritual energies ...

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Writing Techniques

[ɹˈa͡ɪɾɪŋ tɛknˈiːks]

Several writing techniques, as part of spiritual or self-care practices, are designed to tap into your inner thoughts and insights, emotions, and intuitive guidance. ...

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Yin & Yang

[jˈɪn & jˈɑːŋ]

Yin and Yang are fundamental concepts in Chinese philosophy, representing the dualistic nature of existence and the dynamic interplay between opposites ....

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Zen Garden

[zˈɛn ɡˈɑː͡ɹdən]

A Zen garden, also referred to as a Japanese rock garden or dry landscape garden, is a meticulously crafted outdoor space that embodies the principles of Japanese ....

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